Donald President Refers to Apple CEO Tim Cook as 'Tim Apple' and This Isn't the First Time He's Done This

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The president is an idiot.

Not a common variety idiot. He’s an idiot with a lot of money who knows how to rally other idiots to believe that he’s not an idiot, even when he’s actually the idiot king! Or, King idiot!

In a meeting Wednesday with Apple CEO Tim Cook, the president proved again on a national stage that he’s the idiot king by referring to Tim Cook as “Tim Apple.


The president was there with his daughter...Wait, why was she there? No, really, why was Ivanka Boatwears Macy’s Clearance Rack in an American workforce policy meeting with Donald President and Tim Apple?


Anyway, the meeting was on the importance of technology, blah, blah, blah...seriously who gives a shit? The president didn’t even know what this meeting was about as he decided to bring his daughter to work day to meet Tim Apple, who both were disappointed Apple wasn’t in an apple costume.


“We’re going to be opening up the labor forces, because we have to,” said the president. “We have so many companies coming in. People like Tim, you’re expanding all over and doing things that I really wanted you to right from the beginning. I used to say, ‘Tim, you got to start doing it over here,’” President Dotard said.

And then: “And you really have, I mean you’ve really put a big investment in our country,” Trump continued. “We appreciate it very much, Tim Apple.”


Boom! Watch the cringe-y moment below:


And of course, the interwebs had jokes.


The funniest part of all of this is I believe that Trump’s staff gives him notes to remember the people he’s meeting with, so Tim Cook becomes ‘Tim Apple’ and so forth. But the president is a goddamn fool and the king of the idiots, so of course he reads this as the person’s first and last name. Don’t believe me? Well, he’s done this before when he called Marillyn Hewson, CEO of Lockheed Martin, “Marillyn Lockheed.”
