(The Root) — Don West's poor taste seems to run in the family. The defense attorney for George Zimmerman tried to make us laugh with an ill-conceived knock-knock joke at the top of the trial, but sadly fell flat on his face. Now he's catching heat for a picture that he took, later shared by his daughter on Instagram.
Apparently, West and his daughters went out for ice cream and snapped this picture. It got offensive when his daughter, Molly, put it on Instagram with the caption, "We beat stupidity celebration cones #zimmerman #defense #dadkilledit."
Typically, the visage of a man having ice cream with his daughters wouldn't illicit much ire. But when it's presented as a celebration for a lawyer defending a man whom many see as the cold-blooded killer of an unarmed teen, it kind of takes on a new meaning.
West responded to the photo saying, "As a parent, we're not always proud of things our children do, but we love them anyway, and then we move on." Molly West has since deleted her Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Read more at Global Grind.
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.