If you thought Don Lemon was sitting at home crying into his ice cream, you would be wrong. Though the longtime anchor was fired from CNN on Monday, he hit the red carpet at the Time 100 gala on Wednesday. As he discussed his future with Extra, Lemon truly seemed in good spirits, making it clear that he’s going to take some time off, “spend the summer on the beach and the boat,” then consider his options before any decisions are made. However, he did stress that he wants to work again.
“I’m fortunate enough to be in a position where I can do that,” he said. “I have time. I don’t have to rush to another job, even if I want another job.”
Lemon has been the subject of controversy recently, as it was revealed he’s been accused of misogynistic behavior for years. In February, he was also taken off of CNN This Morning and sent to sensitivity training after he was criticized for comments on Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s age. Despite these scandals, Don is not second-guessing himself or living in the past.
“I live my life with no regrets and whatever I did, I did, and I owned,” Lemon said. “I don’t look back and don’t want to change things in the past … Onward.”
Lemon seems to be taking the exit in stride and is trying to work through the sudden upheaval.
“I think life is short, and whatever life hands you, you have to bob and weave and do it,” he said. “I didn’t think I would be at work one evening and get a phone call that my sister had died, but I had to deal with that. I didn’t think that my dad would die young of diabetes…So there are lots of things that come your way that are unexpected, but I’m a survivor. I come from strong, sturdy stock in Louisiana and a lot of people are rooting for me and who love me.”
I don’t know what Don Lemon’s next steps are, but I’m almost positive they will include a podcast and possibly his own newsletter. Isn’t that what most cable news personalities do after they leave their big network jobs?