The Root's contributing editor Demetria L. Lucas writes in her Essence column that she wishes Floyd Mayweather's wife would realize that "S—t happens" isn't an appropriate response to having been beaten in front of her children.
Back in September 2010, Josie Harris … the mother of three of boxer Floyd Mayweather's children, filed a restraining order against and accused him of breaking into her home, attacking her by pulling her hair, throwing her to the floor in her living room and punching her in the head as two of the pair's three children watched…
"[Floyd] loves his kids and is a great father," Harris said. "He would never do anything like that again … I'm sorry the situation happened … now we will just progress and start over and move forward together."
She added, "S**t happens. I'm not mad at him at all … I love Floyd to death." …
Harris is entitled to feel anyway she wants about her ex. I applaud her noble ability to forgive him, release any anger she may have felt, and move on with the job of co-parenting. I'm not even mad that she loves him — the heart feels what it does. But I am taken aback by her calling him a "great father" and her seemingly cavalier dismissal the brutal incident that took place in front of their children. Great fathers don't beat the mother of their children, and especially not in front of the children.
Read Demetria L. Lucas' entire piece at
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