Does Donald Trump Need a Makeover? Oprah Says Yes

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The Huffington Post reports that Oprah has invited Donald Trump to get an on-air makeover during one of her show’s last episodes (the final one will air on May 25 of this year). She has reportedly reached out to him along with several other big stars who could use new looks.

Sources say that Oprah's people promised that the episode would "become one of those historical television moments that will become iconic."

If Trump agrees, this will be his second Oprah Winfrey Show appearance of the season. Previously, he showed up with his entire family in tow.


As Trump has expressed increasing interest in challenging Obama for the presidency in 2012, he's also become quite the Birther, talking to anyone who will listen about his alleged concerns about the president's birth citizenship and upbringing.


But Oprah, who was a big Obama supporter in 2008, appears to be putting ratings above politics in her show's final run. Or perhaps she agrees with Whoopi Goldberg that Trump's Birther routine is "a pile of dog mess" but has decided that his appearance needs cleanup even more urgently than his political tactics.


Read more at the Huffington Post.

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