Jay-Z may be one of the greatest rappers of all-time, but that doesn’t matter to his 11-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy. Like all kids her age, she’s not super impressed with her dad. During a CBS Mornings interview, Gayle King wondered if Hov’s kids think he’s cool and he revealed that Blue Ivy might be changing her opinion when it comes to her dad’s style.
“Blue, she be frontin’ on me a little bit,” he said. “But I catch her in the corner. Now she asks me if this is cool, if her sneakers [are cool]. She’s come back.”
It’s basically a fact of life that all daughters think their dads are the least cool person on the planet. However, when you’re married to Beyoncé, the biggest fashion icon in the world, you really have no chance at being the cool parent. Jay explained to Gayle that the pre-teen still has moments when she’s embarrassed by him, even doing a hilarious impression of his daughter. But lets Blue know, “I’m cool. I don’t know what you sayin,’ At your house, your parents is cool.”
Here’s the thing: Blue Ivy knows her parents are famous and beloved by fans around the world. But to her, they’re just the people hounding her about rules, homework and eating vegetables. Her dad is not the guy hanging out on a yacht in the “Big Pimpin’” video, he’s the guy who makes awkward dad jokes at the breakfast table.
Side note: Can we get a ‘90s TGIF-style sitcom starring The Carter family? Admit it. You would watch the hell out of that.
Look Mr. Carter, you may think “she’s coming back,” but as Blue hits those teen years, you will get a real taste of how uncool she really thinks you are. Five years from now, she will have zero interest in your thoughts on her clothes, hair, shoes, or anything really. Enjoy these small victories while you can, because it’s all downhill from here.