Does Black America Need to 'Re-Brand'?

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Does black America need to "re-brand"? One writer says a collective marketing campaign for the black community is in order.

Zahara Jolie-Pitt gets "hair extensions" (aka "braids'"): By this Daily Mail headline, you might think the little member of Brad and Angelina's family went to the salon for a super-grown-looking weave. Nope, just a regular child's style that's a bit lower maintenance.

DSK's wife "woman of the year," according to French magazine: We didn't see this one coming, did you?


How the 2012 attack on reproductive rights will target women of color: "I think 2012 is going to be a year of battles royale for basic reproductive health rights that many of us take for granted. And trust, women of color are a major piece of the anti-choice agenda," predicts ColorLines' Akiba Solomon.

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