Does America Need a White President?

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Kirsten West Savali, writing at News One, tackles the recent claim of black Tea Party activist Kevin Jackson that America needs a white, Republican president to solve its race problems. 

In an article on his blog, The Black Sphere, Tea-Party activist Kevin Jackson opines that intra-racism has intensified in the United States since the election of President Barack Obama and, because of this, the nation needs a White, Republican president.

According to Jackson, it is blind, Black loyalty and not virulent, White racism that is fueling the ugliness that we've seen in the past six years. Black critics of President Obama are often called racists or Uncle Toms by their own people, unable to criticize the president without facing the wrath.

While some legitimate Black critics of President Obama are often — and erroneously — lumped in with conservatives who would rather choke on their own bigotry rather than accept a Black president, Jackson uses the intellectually dishonest argument that a White Republican would solve the racial divide we are currently facing, simply by virtue of being White.

Now ain't that a kick in the head.

Doing the traditional GOP side-step, Jackson argues that Black people united in their quest for civil rights would be able to recognize the face of the government enemy, if he (or presumably she) were White, while conveniently forgetting that White supremacy — in Black or White face — is the backbone of the Tea-Party he represents.

Read Kirsten West Savali's entire piece at News One. 

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