Doctor Who Performed Surgery on Kanye West’s Mother Says He’s Not Responsible for Her Death

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Dr. Jan Adams was the doctor who performed a liposuction, tummy tuck and breast reduction on Donda West, Kanye West's mother, the day before she died. Even though a medical case against him was dismissed, he's coming forward once again to clear his name of any suggestion that his medical negligence caused Donda West's death, Inside Edition reports. 

Adams told Inside Edition that it was Kanye West's cousin, Stephan Scoggins, who failed to provide proper care for Donda West after the surgery.

He said that he wanted Donda West to recover from her surgery at a medical facility, but she insisted that her nephew Scoggins, a nurse, tend to her instead at her home. 


"Her nurse wasn't there," Adams said in the clip. "Her nurse was gone to a baby shower rather than take care of his aunt." Adams claims that Donda West was left lying on her back and that is what caused her to choke. 


"This lady shouldn't be dead," Adams said. "All he had to do was sit her up."

Adams' medical practice has long been out of business. According to the Inside Edition report, Scoggins has denied the allegations that his actions led to his aunt's death. 


Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.

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