Do Better: Stop the Trashy Photos

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At Ebony, life coach S. Tia Brown has some harsh words about the lack of modesty among young black women.

A few days ago my very voluptuous younger cousin posted a picture on Facebook that I thought was inappropriate — it showcased her behind and was complemented by a caption with a witty sexual innuendo. Immediately, I sprang into action reaching out to her, her father and our uncle. Guess what? No one cared.

My cousin and her dad didn't even bother to respond to my call out, and our uncle told me I was being a prude. Really? When did it become acceptable to sit back and simply watch our girls objectify themselves? The response from my familial village both saddened me and left me in a state of disbelief. There was a time when you didn’t do things — at least publicly — because of how it reflected on you, and your family. Second, it really caused me to look at the blatant disconnect many of us have between our actions and our options.

Call me a snob, but to me when a girl showcases her behind in such a way — that tells me she thinks that's her best asset.

Read S. Tia Brown's entire piece at Ebony.

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