Divorce: How to Keep the Lawyers From Getting All Your Money

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There is no denying the emotional and financial toll that divorce can take on a family. But once the decision has been made to end a marriage, there are steps that can be taken to prevent the destructive toll on each spouse’s financial future.

In this Wednesday’s episode of The Root Live: Bring It to the Table, host Harriette Cole speaks with certified divorce coach Tamara Harris Robinson, who works with families in the transition to divorce. Despite a potentially contentious relationship, Robinson recommends that couples look for common ground and set financial priorities as a starting point for negotiation. Prudential professional ShirleyAnn Robertson joins the discussion to talk about setting expectations after divorce in the transition from a two-income to one-income life.

The Root Live: Bring It to the Table video series continues every Wednesday through Dec. 24. Other topics in the series include the following:

* whether crowdfunding can finance your dream;
* LGBT partners and benefits: knowing your rights;
* finding a job after serving your country;
* living a biblically sound financial life;
* managing your children’s financial expectations.


To watch an earlier episode of The Root Live: Bring It to the Table, click here.