Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott has gone viral for his ode to Black women following Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss in the presidential election. In his remarks, Scott lamented over how this country has once again failed this particularly vulnerable demographic.
“It is really on my heart this morning to say that as a man, but more importantly as a Black man, that this country does not deserve Black women or Black people, but specifically Black women,” Scott said.
He continued, “This morning, I woke up and I just gave my wife a hug because I know how heavy this is weighing on Black women. And they have carried this country and saved this country too many times and continue to be the most disrespected human beings on the planet. And it, quite frankly, it disgusts me.”
One X user, @KimWrites4U, praised Scott for his moving remarks. “Thank you for caring for our communities and especially Black women,” she wrote. “Men like you are a Godsend and your wife, soon coming babygirl and Baltimore are blessed to have you.”
Scott also expressed concern over the kind of world he will be bringing his child into before praising the campaign that Harris ran over the last several months.
“And I want the vice president to know that her and her team did everything right in the right way,” he stated.
“But the unfortunate reality is that this country is still steeped in racism, sexism and misogyny.” His words prompted @BornAmbition80 to label Scott “the moral compass.”
On Election Day, Scott tweeted his excitement about Harris making history as the first Black and South Asian woman president. Despite her defeat, the politician expressed his reverence for the VP.
“I am personally proud of her, and I know that so many others are the same. We appreciate her tenacity, her focus, her decency and how she handled herself throughout this campaign,” he said. One Black woman on x, @vcwoods24, emphatically agreed with a “heart” emoji.
Despite a largely positive response from Black folks, there were still a couple who questioned the necessity of his speech. One man, @TonyLaneNV, simply asked: “What’s wrong with Brandon?”
Scott’s defense of Harris in his remarks were also strong. “The fact is, is that they did everything that a campaign can do and more. But we as a country really have a lot of soul searching to do, and that’s really what I wanna say about that today.”
Perhaps the most succinct response came from @valhuntbeauty who called the speech “heavy” and thanked Scott for what he said. The mayor using his platform to uplift Black women won’t soon be forgotten.