If you are anywhere near white people, you may want to put this story down and read it later when you have some time alone. That’s because this story involves two things white people hate: dog abandonment and dog abandonment.
The asshole former governor of New York, who most likely only had a dog to make him appear much less like an asshole, reportedly abandoned his dog at the governor’s mansion after asking staff if they would take him. Cuomo, who left office after a bazillion reports of sexual misconduct, apparently didn’t give a shit about his dog Captain.
There is a special place in hell for people who don’t care for dogs.
On Aug. 10, Cuomo announced that he was leaving office after some 11 women accused the asshole governor of sexual harassment, and of course after New York Attorney General Letitia James—think Omar from The Wire but less homicidal—issued a 165-page report corroborating the women’s story.
According to the Albany Times Union, Cuomo has been staying with one of his sisters since he left the mansion and wait...hold up. Why doesn’t he have his own place to stay? Did he plan on being governor the rest of his life?
A mansion staffer was reportedly looking after the dog—Captain not Cuomo—and took the dog “home for a few days but decided he was too much,” state police told the Times Union. Apparently Captain had a bit of a biting issue after being adopted in 2018.
Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi told the Times Union that this is all just temporary until Cuomo returns from vacation. Well someone might want to tell Captain that since he’s been seen aimlessly wandering around the mansion.
After the Times Union story broke early Monday morning, the New York State Animal Protective Federation released a statement saying they could find Captain a forever home.
You have to work really hard, sometimes twice a day, to reach this level of narcissistic asshole.