Picture this: Sicily 1922, You’re out at a coffee shop one day, when a stranger dressed in all black taps you on your shoulder and asks, “$500,000 or lunch with Jay-Z. Which would you choose?”
It’s a question that’s made its rounds on social media for years now with many weighing in on the benefits of one option or the other. Now, in a new interview with Gayle King for CBS Mornings on Monday, the Everything is Love rapper is adding his two cents to the conversation, revealing that folks should take the money.
“You gotta take the money. What I’mma say?” he asked. “You got all that [the wisdom one might get from a conversation with him] in the music for $10.99. That’s a bad deal, I wouldn’t tell you to cut a bad deal.”
He continued: “Take the $500,000, go buy some albums, listen to the albums. It’s all there. If you piece it together and really listen to the music for the words, for what it is, it’s all there. Everything that I said was gonna happen, happened. Everything I said I wanted to do, I’ve done. And there’s the blueprint. The blueprint, literally, to me and my life and my journey, is there already.”
FINALLY. Can we all put this to rest now? Take the money and run, folks! You heard the man! No, but seriously, this debate has ran its course and now that the rapper himself has said his peace, we ought to leave this conversation in 2023. Let’s not bring this into the new year, yeah? Like he said, we’ve got the blueprint already. Let’s put some action behind it and make something shake in 2024.