Did You Mail in Your Census Form?

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Today is the last day to mail back your 2010 U.S. Census form before the government takes things to the next level: sending canvassers out to knock on your door, starting May 1. Once they do that, the cost of having you counted goes up from the pennies it costs for postage to $57 per household. Now why make your fellow taxpayers foot the bill for all that drama?  And who wants inquisitive strangers coming 'round, anyway?

Plus, the information collected is used to make sure every state and local government gets their fair share of representation in Congress, public services, and over $400 billion in federal funds. Historically, black people are undercounted; therefore, we get less than our fair share. Don't contribute to the problem. Instead, stand up and be counted.

Oh, and in case you're still not convinced, check out The Root's recent coverage on what past Census data tells us about the state of Black America; plus, confessions of a Census procrastinator:

Singing the Census Form Blues
Still nursing bruised feelings about the Negro option? Get over it and send in that form.


A Portrait of Black America on the Eve of the 2010 Census
What the most recent U.S. Census report tells us now.


The (Poor) State of Black Families
Despite the progress African Americans have made on income and education, when it comes to marriage and families, the numbers are bleak.


Blacks and Income: What We Earn
A financial portrait of black America in anticipation of the 2010 U.S. Census.

U.S. Census 2010: The Whole Story

Yes We Count: NAACP 2010 2010 Campaign