Did You Know That It’s #DuragHistoryWeek?

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All it took was one tweet from @fivefiths to get one of the most talked-about trending topics thus far this week. #DuragHistoryWeek is a celebration of all things du-rag.


Du-rags have been around for ages, as has the mark they leave on the forehead if they’re too tight.


If you don’t know a black person who’s owned a du-rag, you’re living your life wrong. The #duraghistoryweek hashtag has spawned some of the funniest, and even historical, photos of people wearing du-rags. From celebrities to random Twitter users sporting their favorite du-rags, here are a few of the best posts.



And who said only black people rock du-rags? White people have been Columbusing du-rags forever.




Did you know that the du-rag has an entry at Wikipedia? I’ll even forgive them for spelling it wrong. According to Wikipedia, the earliest use of du-rags was by 19th-century Ethiopian soldiers. But that doesn’t mean historical figures didn’t rock them, too.


Look at Ras Mengesha Yohannes, son of Emperor Yohannes IV, on a horse, wearing his du-rag:

The du-rag has evolved over the centuries from being used by black men with processed hair. It has also gone from being made from an old pair of stockings to a $5 product that can be bought from your local Korean beauty-supply store.


It’s safe to say that there’s history surrounding the du-rag, so it’s definitely worth celebrating this black hair-care accessory. I just don't recommend wearing one to a job interview.
