Will this back and forth between Michael Oher and the Tuohy’s ever end?
After Oher initially claimed that he’s due millions of dollars from the family that “adopted” him, Sean and Leigh Tuohy are now saying that the former NFL player attempted to extort millions of dollars from the couple by threatening them both.
On Monday, legal representatives of the couple shared screenshots of text messages sent by Oher, in which he allegedly calls them both “thieves” and orders them to send him $15 million. In those same messages, he allegedly threatens to go public with their conflict over the money made from the 2009 Oscar-winning film, “The Blind Side,” according to PEOPLE.
The Tuohys initially made these accusations in August, but this is the first time they’ve shared alleged screenshots of their interaction with the court in a legal filing.
More from PEOPLE on what was said in the alleged text message screenshots:
“If something isn’t resolved this Friday, I’m going to go ahead and tell the world, how I was robbed by my suppose to be [sic] parents. That’s the deadline,” one alleged text from Oher reads.
“It was 10 million now I want 15 after taxes,” another alleged text reads.
While the accusations seem to be unending on both sides, only one thing has been proven true: Oher was never actually adopted by the Tuohys.
Randall Fishman, one of the Tuohys’ attorneys, told reporters in an August press conference that his clients plan on entering into a consent order to end their conservatorship over Oher permanently.
They essentially admitted that Oher was right; nearly a month later, a Tennessee judge officially put an end to the conservatorship agreement, saying, “I cannot believe it got done.”
The agreement allowed Leigh Anne and Sean to take control of Oher’s finances, which is the reason he filed a lawsuit in the first place. He claimed that they negotiated business deals in his name and made millions of dollars from the movie and other events while he walked away with nothing.