Did Chris Long’s Support of Malcolm Jenkins’ Protest Just Secure Him the No. 1 Pick in This Year’s Racial Draft?

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Since the beginning of the NFL season, Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcom Jenkins has been one of the few players this season to take up the mantle that current free agent Colin Kaepernick left behind. Jenkins has upheld Kaepernick’s silent protest against the killings of unarmed African-American men, women and children by raising his fist during the national anthem.

On Thursday night, Jenkins’ teammate Chris Long placed one hand over his heart and another on Jenkins’ shoulder as a sign of solidarity.

“I think it’s a good time for people that look like me to be here for people that are fighting for equality,” Long said after the game, Yahoo! Sports reports.


Long, who graduated from the University of Virginia and still considers Charlottesville, Va., home, added that after the terrorist attacks by tiki-torch-wielding white men, this week has been trying for everyone.


“It’s been a hard week for everybody,” he continued. “I think it’s not just a hard week for someone being from Charlottesville. It’s a tough week for America. I’ve heard a lot of people say, ‘You need white athletes to get involved in the anthem protest.’ I’ve said before that I’ll never kneel for an anthem because the flag means something different to everybody in this country, but I support my peers,” Yahoo! Sports reports.


Long added: “If you don’t see why you need allies for people that are fighting for equality right now, I don’t think you’ll ever see it,” he said. “My thing is, Malcolm’s a leader and I’m here to show support as a white athlete.”

I think it’s time to discuss whether or not Long’s voice as a white ally in the movement toward equality is enough to move him into the top pick in the racial draft. I’ve fine with losing Ray Lewis and/or Stacey Dash for him.


Let’s discuss in the comments.

Read more at Yahoo! Sports.