Detroit's Emergency Financial Manager Takes Over: 'Dangerous Precedent'?

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Monday is bankruptcy attorney Kevyn Orr's first day on the job as emergency financial manager for Detroit, the largest city in the country to come under state oversight. He's tasked with taking over the finances of the city and developing a plan to tackle its fiscal crisis.

But not everyone is welcoming the "turnaround specialist." A rally protesting Orr's appointment was set for 11 a.m., CBS Detroit reported this morning. Plus, a group led by prominent Detroit pastors has expressed fierce opposition to his post and the Michigan emergency-manager law that allows it.

On Friday the Rev. Jesse Jackson called for mass protests, calling Orr's appointment by the state and his power to neutralize a sitting mayor and City Council, end or renegotiate labor contracts and sell off city assets a "dangerous precedent.”


Read more at CBS Detroit.