“Our lives are at stake. We’re in the midst of a pandemic, a health crisis. Black people are disproportionately dying, but [are] also sick. What we’ve seen because of this pandemic is that it has exposed the structural racism that we knew existed before, but other people didn’t know...We have an opportunity, in this election, to decide the direction out of this pandemic, in addition to which we have the opportunity to have our say about the way in which we are going to deal with racism, generally, but of course racism within the criminal justice system and with regard to the police.” —Judith Browne Dianis, Executive Director, Advancement Project As Black people in America in the midst of a political movement and a pandemic, what are the most pressing issues that we should be paying attention to in November? Healthcare? Police reform? Education? Regardless of your policy issue of choice, Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, reminds us that there’s still much work to be done. While Black people are present and accounted for in the political process (especially Black women), let’s not mistake our presence for political power: There’s a difference. “We can’t mistake a Black president for ending systemic racism or thinking that we are post-racial,” says Robinson. To finish off The Root Institute’s politics-themed week, I am joined by thought leaders—Glynda Carr, Judith Browne Dianis and Rashad Robinson. See the entire conversation above.