On Wednesday, standing outside one of his Florida resorts, President-elect Donald Trump took credit for a Sprint deal that had been well within the works before he got elected.
In October, OneWeb, a Florida startup geared to provide internet access to everyone by using small satellites orbiting the Earth, was part of a $100 million investment deal meant to create jobs and allow existing companies like Sprint to bring back jobs that had been cut.
Taking credit for Sprint's announcement, Trump said Wednesday, according to CNN: "They're taking them from other countries. They're bringing them back to the United States. A nice change."
Sprint noted that it would be creating or bringing back some 5,000 jobs, mostly in customer care and sales, CNN reports.
"We are excited to work with President-elect Trump and his administration to do our part to drive economic growth and create jobs in the U.S.," Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure told the news station.
Since Trump has vowed to be the "greatest jobs president that God ever created," he has taken credit now for creating or saving around 9,000 jobs, even though there's no proof he's had a hand in doing anything.
In addition to the Sprint jobs, Trump also celebrated the hiring of 3,000 people by "a new company," as he referred to OneWeb.
The OneWeb deal in October included the creation of some 50,000 jobs, and Sprint's announcement that 5,000 jobs would be created or brought back to the U.S. was accounted for in the initial 50,000 assessment. Consequently, Trump didn't have a hand in brokering that deal and was not president-elect at the time of the October announcement, so Trump had nothing to do with this deal.
But that didn't stop him for taking full credit.
Trump tweeted that Masayoshi "Masa" Son, the CEO of Softbank, one of the investors in OneWeb, wouldn't have made that investment had it not been for him.
"Masa said he would never do this had we [Trump] not won the election!" Trump wrote.
Sorry, Trump, the deal was already on the table well before you "won" (see: Russia's involvement) the election.
Nice try, though.
Read more at CNN.