Defense Rests in Serial Killer Trial

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It is an impertinent question, but it has to be asked: Who would an accused serial killer call to testify in his defense?

Apparently that is what accused Ohio serial killer Anthony Sowell's lawyers asked themselves and decided to punt. They rested their case on Tuesday without calling a single witness, according to Reuters.

Sowell, 51, faces the death penalty if found guilty of the murders, Reuters reports. Police discovered the first two bodies in 2009 after executing a search warrant for Sowell's arrest in response to an assault and rape charge. He reportedly had bodies everywhere. " … Women's bodies were found in Sowell's Cleveland house and buried in shallow graves in the backyard."


Not surprisingly, defense lawyers couldn't even find the one neighbor who always says, "He was quiet and seemed like a nice guy."


Prosecutors, on the other hand, had a list of more than 50 witnesses, including women who said they had fled Sowell's house after being attacked.


Read more at Reuters.

Also, read more about the Sowell case on The Root.

In other news: Candorville: Last Resort.