If I have made anything clear throughout my relatively short time at The Root it’s this: Def Jam: Fight for NY is one of the greatest fighting games in the history of anything ever. Period. So you can imagine both the delight and apprehension fans like me felt when Def Jam recently teased a new game on Twitter.
Hip Hop DX reports that over the weekend Def Jam sent out two tweets teasing a new game. The first tweet, sent on Sunday, featured a screenshot of Def Jam Vendetta with the caption “The streets saying we need a new Def Jam game.” Def Jam has teased a new game in the past so I typically don’t give these things much credence. It’s the follow up tweet that got me cautiously optimistic. On Monday, they added “Once our Twitter hits 1M, we have a special announcement for y’all ! *controller emoji* ”
Sorry, I had to get that out of the system.
When Def Jam initially issued the tweet they had 991,500 followers but it looks like the Fight for New York fans rallied because as of Tuesday the account has already hit one million. As of this writing the account hasn’t tweeted out the special announcement so there is still only speculation as to what it could be.
Honestly y’all, even if it’s just remastered ports of the first two games for current and next-gen consoles, I’ll be happy. I cannot express how badly I miss stomping the shit out of my friends as Ghostface Killah or throwing Fat Joe in front of a subway (no disrespect to Fat Joe).
While much has been made about the strides NetherRealm Studios has taken with the cinematic stories of recent Mortal Kombat and Injustice games, Def Jam: Fight for NY kind of did it first. It had an all-star voice cast with some of the hottest rappers at the time, high production values, a compelling story and most importantly, a banger of a combat system that holds up to this day. While a new game in the long dormant franchise would be more than appreciated, the opportunity to revisit the classics would be just as great.
My biggest fear is that the announcement is going to be for some mid-as-fuck, free-to-play mobile game. Quite frankly, I would probably retreat to my room and cry into my totally-not-hacked PS Vita while playing the PSP port of Fight for NY. I’m praying that won’t be the case and that hopefully, we’ll have a clearer idea of what the future holds for the Def Jam franchise by the end of the week.