Lifetime’s upcoming Whitney Houston biopic is in production in Los Angeles. Over the last two weeks, we’ve gotten a glimpse of Yaya DaCosta in her “Whitney Houston” look, as well as Arlen Escarpata as Bobby Brown. But there’s one more important detail that needs to be addressed. Who will sing Houston’s music?
Although Lifetime previously stated that it had acquired the rights to Houston’s music, the studio only acquired rights from the music publishers. Houston’s actual recordings of her music will not be used. According to E!, R&B singer Deborah Cox, who has referred to Houston as a mentor, was hired by the network to re-record some of the music that made Houston famous.
When the biopic was announced, Houston’s family declared their displeasure with the movie, and a possible lawsuit.
“Whitney is certainly worthy of more than a television movie,” her sister-in-law and onetime manager, Pat Houston, said. “If Whitney were here today, this would not be happening.”
Since breaking into the music business, Cox has also established herself as a Broadway performer. In 2012, Cox appeared in the revival of Jekyll & Hyde. Cox lives in Miami, with her husband and three children.
In honor of Throwback Thursday, here’s a look at what made Cox famous.
Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
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