According to Don Lemon, black people are to blame for Justin Bieber’s early-onset racism that was brought to the public’s attention earlier this week. In two separate videos that were released, a young Biebs was seen throwing around the n-word like it was second nature. Biebs also spoke about the Ku Klux Klan and pondered about killing a "n—ger."
Now, whose fault is it that Biebs felt so comfortable using that word? Is it his parents' fault for not teaching him any better? Or was Biebs just a product of his own Canadian environment? I'm quite sure there are several factors as to why Biebs spoke with a racist tongue when he was a kid, but according to CNN's Don Lemon, black people are to blame.
Yes, Lemon is pointing at all of you. All of you black people created the racist Biebs.
You black people and your use of the n-word are the reason Biebs felt so at ease using it. This is according to Lemon, not me.
In an article for BlackAmericaWeb, Lemon writes:
But I do know that this is the danger of the proliferation of the use of the n-word. People hear it in music. They hear it on the street. They hear it almost everywhere and they subliminally become immune. Very frequently I hear young people of all ages, in public, who can barely get through a sentence without using the word; even calling each other n-words — of all different ethnicities.
Clearly Justin Bieber, a young man who by the way, has immersed himself in black, Hip Hop culture should not be saying the n-word. So the question is, if you want people like Justin Bieber to stop using it and to stop making excuses for using it, shouldn't you do the same?
Here's the truth of the matter: The usage of the n-word existed long before hip-hop and rap music. Black people didn't invent the word, so if all of a sudden black people stopped using the n-word among themselves, guess what? Racist white people would still use it.
In Bieber's case, he wasn't even using it among his "homies" Lil Za or Floyd Mayweather. Clearly the videos were made way before his ascent into playing the real-life version of Malibu's Most Wanted.
So what other questions could Lemon ponder in his next post? Well, just in case you were wondering, here a few courtesy of Twitter. If you need a few laughs today, make sure you check out the #donlemonquestions hashtag:
When Lemon blames black people and black culture, he's totally missing the point. Maybe Lemon should start by blaming Bieber's parents for not teaching their son better. Or blame Bieber himself for not knowing right from wrong. But please, spare me the blaming of black people. We didn't make Bieber, and a lot of us don't want any part of him.
Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
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