Of course, the tears Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron shed during his press conference this afternoon were a lie. They were also an audition. The audience he was performing for—the people he’s been speaking to with his body language, his haircut, his intonation, his choice of wife, and his wedding date—witnessed both the sort of hollow empathy pecksniffian conservatives wield to feign humanity and Cameron’s ability to perform it under pressure. While telling us why none of the officers responsible for Breonna Taylor’s death would face any legal consequences for killing her, he was showing them that he’s their huckleberry: The Great Black Republican Hope. Best in class. The latest, greatest, ass.
And whenever the time comes for the next round of conservative contenders of color to be counted, Daniel Cameron is itching and inching to be first in line. Standing tall. Smiling wide. His face freshly shaven. His suit sharply pressed. His tie tightly knotted. His soul safety tucked into his pocket, next to 30 pieces of silver and a bottle of Visine.