Couple things going on in the VSB world that we wanted to let you all know about:
1. Tonight, Damon will be at The Schomburg Center in Harlem for a reading of The Meaning of Michelle, where he'll be joined on stage by Veronica Chambers (the anthology's editor), Rebecca Carroll, and Caroline Clark. We'll read excerpts from the book, talk about the Obama's impact and legacy, and then, at the end of the night, we plan to join hands with everyone there and sing a version of Cam'ron's "Fuck You" directed at Donald Trump.
Also, speaking of Trump, here's Damon's Facebook status from earlier today:
Just landed at Laguardia. In NYC for a reading of The Meaning of Michelle at the Schomburg tonight. Been sitting on the plane for 15 minutes now because of some sort of delay. And I look out my window, and lo and behold is a fucking Trump plane.
I don't know if this is why we can't get off the plane yet, but I'm perfectly fine with blaming every inconvenience and annoyance I experience — a plane delay, a toothache, a sleet storm, a flatulent dog, a batch of too soft chicken wings, a batch of words escaping Zoe Saldana's mouth, etc — on this nigga for the next four years.
2. Friday evening, Panama will join Damon in NYC, putting VSB together in one place like Voltron, and to celebrate this momentous occasion, they're holding a happy hour at Latitude Bar & Grill (Located at 783 8th Avenue — between 47th and 48th) at 5pm. Come through and shit if you can.
3. VSB's own Tonja Renée Stidhum (aka "Cheekie") has created a hilarious webseries called WingChick — about the trials and tribulations of a woman who's the perpetual homegirl. She's looking to raise $5,000 through her Indiegogo campaign, so please support!