If you're searching for a job that will give you the opportunity to improve the environment, look no further. Climate Advisors in Washington, D.C., is looking for a senior associate. The position involves working with high-level policymakers, foundations and environmental organizations to promote climate-smart policies and solutions.
Specific duties for the position include researching and writing high-impact policy briefs, collaborating with internal and external peers on research and policy analysis and overseeing the content of Web pages and publications. Other responsibilities involve assisting with the organization of meetings and conferences, participating in meetings with government officials and playing a central role in reviewing policy areas and ideas.
All applicants must have a bachelor's degree and at least a year of experience involving climate policy. The ideal candidate must have the ability to excel in a rapidly changing political and business environment and be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of climate-related policies and solutions.
Climate Advisors is a growing mission-driven consulting firm. If you're passionate about preserving the environment, this position may be for you.
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