Daily Job Lead: PPC Specialist

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If you're a social media junkie and you've always wanted to break into marketing, GannettLocal has an opportunity for you. Its Scottsdale, Ariz., office is currently seeking a full-time PPC specialist. The position involves successfully building and managing PPC (pay-per-click) accounts.

Specific tasks for this position include managing campaign performance, providing ongoing account optimization and establishing strong client relationships. Other responsibilities consist of creating business models and finding solutions that will drive additional ROI (return on investment), providing campaign analysis to drive performance and handling day-to-day client support.

All applicants must have a bachelor's degree in account management, advertising or Internet marketing and at least two years of business-related work experience. The ideal candidate should be knowledgeable about paid search and the building and optimizing of campaigns.


GannettLocal assists small companies by growing their business with online and print advertising. If you’ve always longed to have a career in advertising, this position may suit you.

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