Energy Solutions in Oakland, Calif., is seeking a full-time marketing and proposal coordinator to oversee the overall marketing efforts of its energy-efficiency consulting business. The marketing coordinator will work closely with directors and staff to track and screen new solicitations from utilities and local, federal and government agencies; he or she will also develop proposals for current and prospective program services.
The coordinator will manage the proposal-development process, including scheduling; tracking RFP issuer communications and relaying changes internally; coordinating the proposal team; ensuring timely execution of all proposal elements; writing and editing; supporting development of graphics and charts; and overseeing production and delivery of the final proposal.
Other responsibilities include doing market research; tracking and coordinating staff work on marketing initiatives; sharing developments and ideas across the practice area; developing marketing collateral such as brochures, guides and newsletters for print and online media; and helping execute social media marketing strategies.
The ideal candidate will have a bachelor's degree in communications, journalism or a marketing-related subject, with a minimum of three years' experience in marketing/clean tech or the energy field. He or she will have outstanding written and oral communication skills, have an understanding of the principles of marketing and ROI, be self-driven and have expertise in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
Energy Solutions was founded in 1995 to address climate change and sustainability issues through energy-efficiency and renewable-energy sources. The company currently has about 70 employees and is expanding its client base and developing new services.
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