Signs point to TV One, the African American-owned cable television network that partnered with CNN to present a…
In 1955, Emmett Till, a black 15-year-old, was abducted and beaten to death, his body mutilated, after he allegedly…
The most recent batch of hacked emails distributed by WikiLeaks included the cell phone number of Fox News…
Dana Canedy, a champion of newsroom diversity inside the New York Times, is leaving the company to write books and…
The headline coming out of Wednesday's Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump presidential debate was Trump's refusal to…
The National Association of Black Journalists, which projected a 2015 deficit of nearly $380,000, is set to end 2016…
“For 27 years, I’ve been in Donald Trump’s crosshairs,” Yusef Salaam wrote Wednesday for the Washington Post.
For an hour after Sunday's Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump debate, cable news commentators critiqued the performances…
Dr. Ben Carson, who with boxing promoter Don King and Theresa “Omarosa” Manigault is vying for the title of Donald…
Pundits and pollsters declared Republican Mike Pence the winner of Tuesday's vice presidential debate, but that…
The Democratic National Committee plans a "seven-figure" advertising blitz "to engage and energize communities of…
Is this what happens when fear of police violence combines with mistrust of the news media?
Lester Holt answered any doubt about how prominent a role race would play in the first presidential debate of the…
"Lester Holt is carrying the weight of the nation," Dylan Byers reported Friday for CNN Money.
The American Society of News Editors reversed itself Tuesday and released diversity figures on individual U.S.…
Amid the eye-popping statements by Colin Powell revealed in hacked emails made public Tuesday was his belief,…
The American Society of News Editors has ended its longstanding practice of listing the number of journalists of…