Tuesday marked the 30th anniversary of the day these words appeared on the front page of the Sunday Washington Post:
In the course of interviewing young congregants at the Atlanta area mega-church pastored by Bishop Eddie Long, CNN…
"The latest RTDNA/Hofstra University Annual Survey finds that the percentage of minority news directors rose in both…
UPDATE: Saturday, Sept. 11
AOL's Patch network of hyperlocal news sites, which expects to be "the largest hirer of full-time journalists in the…
James J. Kilpatrick, the conservative commentator known to television viewers as a commentator on the…
Blacks Just 1% of Financed Internet Start-ups So Far in 2010
"The article was largely buried in most newspapers, if run at all," columnist Edward Schumacher-Matos wrote Thursday…
The firing of Agriculture Department staffer Shirley Sherrod — over racial remarks that were taken out of context —…
It's not every day that commentators Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune, Juan Williams of Fox News and NPR, Errol…
Six weeks after the arrival of former White House social secretary Desiree Rogers, and two weeks after the naming of…
The decision by LeBron James to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat made for television with…
"Did ESPN just get 'mediajacked'?" Brian Steinberg asked Wednesday on AdAge.com.
End of Strained Relationship Means "Sky's the Limit"