Charles Robinson III Monday became the second candidate in the race for president of the National Association of…
In a highly unusual move, New York Times Co. CEO Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr. has made an endorsement in the…
NBC News' and Interactive One's have decided to share news and resources in what the two…
CNN's top executive has all but said that the on-air journalists of color it employs are not ready for prime time,…
CNN on Wednesday canceled the political talk show "In the Arena" with Eliot Spitzer, filling his 8 p.m. time slot…
White journalists have had a variety of reactions to Time magazine analyst Mark Halperin's off-color…
HuffPost Picks Editors for Black, Latino Sites
Journalist Jose Antonio Vargas' confession that he has been in the United States illegally since childhood prompted…
"We have maintained our percentage of female and minority employees over the last few years despite reductions and…
"Oprah Winfrey says she wants to interview O.J. Simpson. Not only does she want to interview him, but she wants to…
Sandra D. Long, an employee of the Philadelphia Inquirer since 1984 and vice president for editorial product…
Two years ago, the Fort Mill (S.C.) Times, a 19,500-circulation weekly owned by the McClatchy Co., proudly announced…
The appointment of Jill Abramson and Dean Baquet as the top two news executives at the New York Times was hailed by…