“A lot of the neighborhoods in West Oakland had 20 to 30 liquor stores and an assortment of fast-food restaurants…
According to a new report, life expectancy rates in the United States have dropped for the third consecutive year.
The once and forever Dynasty of our time, Fox’s Empire has, with mixed results, explored mental illness since its…
An algorithm used by major hospitals and healthcare providers misjudged how sick black patients were compared with…
According to a new report, attempted suicide is on the rise among a very specific demographic: black teenagers.
Last Saturday—October 12—was my one-year wedding anniversary. My wife and I made a whole day out of it, doing lunch,…
Waiting for Tearah, a short documentary about how a black family navigates the labyrinth mental health system in…
To honor Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct. 6-12) , Frontline PBS and Firelight Media have partnered with The Root…
On Tuesday night, a sad bit of news hit the Twitter timeline as Good Morning America promoted its Wednesday morning…
In June, “Truth Hurts” singer Lizzo went on social media to share that she was going through a rough time, ending…
Conspiracy theories aside, Jeffrey Epstein is one of the latest and most prominent of the hundreds that die by…
Despite his superhuman exterior, Terry Crews faces trials and tribulations like the rest of us. The sexual assault…
For centuries, some of America’s most distinguished public figures have averted criticism of prejudice and bigotry…
What Taraji P. Henson has been able to do with her first Boris L. Henson Foundation benefit and conference last…
With over 46 million Americans experiencing mental illness in any given year, it is something which directly or…
It’s just nine miles between Chicago’s predominantly white and wealthy Streeterville neighborhood and the…
It turns out the Affordable Care Act may have acted to make care affordable and accessible to black folks.
Since becoming a primary care physician over 20 years ago, I made the conscious choice to cement my career treating…
Over the course of his two-and-half-year tenure, our alleged President Donald Trump has either enacted or enforced…