Sesame Street's alleged "anti-conservative" discrimination: Bet you didn't know Elmo was a democratic operative. Panelists on Sean Hannity's Fox News talk show argued that the beloved kids' show actually dumbs down black and Latino youths and promotes so-called anti-conservative discrimination because it encourages parents to use gender-neutral pronouns. Ken Blackwell, who is African American and previously served as Ohio's secretary of state, argues that the show is a "direct assault on our country's moral foundation." Definitely a more urgent issue than the economy. Definitely.
Cadbury apologizes to Naomi Campbell: Cadbury has issued an official apology for its "Move over Naomi, there's a new diva in town" chocolate-bar advertisement. Cadbury, which is owned by Kraft, said that it was "not our intention that this campaign should offend Naomi, her family or anybody else, and we are sincerely sorry that it has done so." Campbell's response: "The advertisement was in poor taste on a number of levels, not least in the way they likened me to their chocolate bar. It is also a shame that it took so long for Cadbury to offer this apology." OK, we get it: Race aside, you're the biggest diva around.
Debate: What makes hair 'natural'? Weave- or wig-free? Chemical-free? What about all that junk in your products? You're probably not surprised that Madamenoir readers had a field day with this age-old question. Weigh in on the debate here. Oh, and by the way, it's never going to be settled.
Is the black TV series dead? If you're in the camp that's still slightly traumatized by the premiere of Single Ladies, this question might have crossed your mind over the past week. Read Hello Beautiful's take (while shedding a tear for Martin and the Cosby Show).
In other news: Miami Police Accused of Destroying Evidence of Memorial Day Shooting.