Crazy Talk: Motel Greeting: 'Hello N---er'

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When Joseph Ross checked into a Sharonville, Fla., hotel room last Friday evening and turned on the TV, he says he got a shock when he saw the text on the screen: "Hello N——er." He suspects that whoever was responsible arranged for the message to appear during the city's Macy's Jazz festival, an event attended predominantly by African Americans.  

One thing is clear: The culprit had a bad combination of a lot of hate, a little creativity and way too much time on his or her hands. From WCOP 9:

"I turned the TV on and when I laid back on the bed I just happened to see something on the screen and I was like, 'aww that ain't there, so then I focused my eyes and I couldn't believe what was on there,'" Ross said.

After Ross saw the message, he called the Motel 6 corporate office, as well as the Dayton chapter of the NAACP.

"To my amazement I actually witnessed with my own eyes 'Hello (racial slur) exclamation point,'" said Derrick Forward, President of the Dayton chapter of the NAACP…

Motel 6 issued a statement saying, "We are completely appalled," and pledging to investigate how the incident occurred.


Read more at WCOP 9.