The latest message on the roadside sign outside Patrick Lanzo's Georgia Peach Oyster bar in Paulding County, Ga., reads, "I do not support the nig—r in the White House." But wait, before you get upset, he recently told a local reporter that the offensive wording was not meant to be racist.
He also gave this somewhat incoherent statement about the signage to Atlanta's Fox 5: "I say just because you're offended by it doesn't mean you don't have the right to say something; just the opposite."
The Huffington Post reports that Lanzo, who advertises his establishment as a "Klan Bar," has been at it for a while with the racist — oops, sorry, we mean totally not racist — anti-Obama signs. A highlight was in 2009 when one of them read, "Obama's plan for health-care: nig—rig it." He said that one was a simple health care protest.
We don't know who exactly he's trying to convince (or why — wouldn't his Klan clientele welcome an admission of racial bigotry?), but the only person we can imagine listening to his response with a straight face is Paula Smith, who created the "Don't re-nig in 2012" anti-Obama bumper sticker. She said that one wasn't racist, either. Nope, not at all.
Maybe if they say it enough, it will start to be true?
Read more at the Huffington Post.
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