Rush Limbaugh may have lost sponsors over the comments he made about college student Sandra Fluke after she testified before Congress about birth control. But while his sexist attacks and insistence that she was a slut turned off many Americans, it seems they actually endeared him to the Westborough Baptist Church (yes, that's the one that protests outside military funerals and says America is doomed because "God hates fags"). The group put together two ads that it hoped would run during Limbaugh's program.
“If you wear a dress that is strapless with a brassiere that isn’t, you might be a slut,” an announcer says. “If you are an anchor bimbo for Fox News and your name is Kelly or Julie, you might be a slut.”
“If you think it’s OK to have sex with men outside the marriage bed, you might be a slut,” the commercial continues. “And if you fornicate your brains out and you think the government ought to pay to kill your baby, well, sounds like a slut to me — and God hates sluts.”
Wow — so much for the whole "God is love" thing.
Limbaugh did finally say he was sorry for his comments about Fluke. But criticism from everyday Americans has never made him seriously re-evaluate his views. Is there any chance that this off-the-charts hateful group looking at him as a kindred spirit will force the radio host to stop name-calling long enough to take a real look in the mirror?
Read more and watch the ad at Mediaite.