Crazy Talk: Beck Puts Obama in Jar of 'Pee'

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There's being a sore loser, which happens to the best of us. And then there's being straight-up disgusting.

Conservative radio host Glenn Beck has provided an example of the latter, combined with an apparent desperate plea for attention: He claimed to be selling a mason jar containing a small figurine of President Obama submerged in Beck's urine. Beck later revealed that the liquid involved was actually beer, which we suppose makes the "art" more sanitary but does little to make the sentiment behind the stunt itself any less repulsive. From the Daily News:

In a video on his website, Beck said the crude "sculpture" was a response to a Boston artist who painted a picture of Obama looking like Jesus on the cross, in a crown of thorns and with arms outstretched.

"Art is in the eye of the beholder and this guy has a right to do this," the wannabe denim mogul said on the site.

"[The Constitution] says I can't stop him, and the spirit of that document is that I shouldn't try," he said.

Beck initially said he "drank a lot of water" before the lame "performance art" piece, but later admitted the jar was filled with beer, not urine.

The website said the jar, "Obama in Pee Pee," was available for $25,000. Its listing was yanked from eBay on Wednesday. 

Read more at the Daily News.

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