'Could You Imagine Today, If Those Were All Black People?': Here's How the NBA Reacted to White Privilege Appreciation Day

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A protester holds a Trump flag inside the US Capitol Building near the Senate Chamber on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump.
A protester holds a Trump flag inside the US Capitol Building near the Senate Chamber on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump.
Photo: Win McNamee (Getty Images)

On the same day that “John Lewis Democrats” Ralphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff emerged victorious in Georgia’s runoffs, which has finally provided Democrats with control of the Senate, something unprecedented—and painfully alabaster—occurred.

In what can only be described as one of the greatest displays of white privilege in the history of Western Civilization, a violent horde of pro-Trump extremists descended upon the U.S. Capital and, in the immortal words of MC Hammer, “turned that mutha out.”


This hot-ass MAGA mess can best be described as White Privilege Appreciation Day since there isn’t a chance in fucking hell that Black or Brown folks could storm the capital, plant explosive devices, invade congressional offices and confiscate confidential materials, instigate an armed standoff at the doors of the House chamber, break windows, tear through barriers, and throw hands with police officers and live to tell the tale.


No, sir.

Those watching the chaos ensue from home would’ve had front row seats to a bloodbath. Because cops shoot niggas every damn day for much less.


Future Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade was one of countless NBA vets who took to Twitter to echo those sentiments as the chaos unfolded on Wednesday.


76ers coach Doc Rivers, who’s never shied away from speaking his mind on political and social issues, kept that same energy as he addressed the matter with reporters prior to Philly’s game.

“I will say it, because I don’t think a lot of people want to,” he began. “Can you imagine today, if those were all Black people storming the Capitol, and what would have happened? That, to me, is a picture that’s worth a thousand words for all of us to see.


“No police dogs turned on people, no billy clubs hitting people. People peacefully escorted out of the capital. So it shows you can peacefully disperse a crowd, would be the one thing.”


Teams throughout the league made it a point to address the situation in their own ways too. The Boston Celtics/Miami Heat game was one of several on Wednesday night in which players took a knee during the national anthem. The teams also released a joint statement prior to tipoff:

“2021 is a new year, but some things have not changed. We play tonight’s game with a heavy heart after yesterday’s decision in Kenosha, and knowing that protesters in our nation’s capital are treated differently by political leaders depending on what side of certain issues they are on. The drastic difference between the way protesters this past spring and summer were treated and the encouragement given to today’s protestors who acted illegally just shows how much more work we have to do.

We have decided to play tonight’s game to try to bring joy into people’s lives. But we must not forget the injustices in our society and we will continue to use our voices and our platform to highlight these issues and do everything we can to work for a more equal & just America.”


And Warriors forward Draymond Green, who’s always good for a soundbite, made sure to call a thing a thing after his team lost to the Clippers: “They’re not fucking protestors, they’re fucking terrorists!”

“It just goes to show the policing system was built against Black and Brown people. And that’s the reason those reactions are different,” he told reporters. “It’s almost a slap in the face and almost a ‘fuck you’ to every Black person in America who goes through these things. It’s almost like they want to show you they have power and want to show you I can say, ‘Fuck you and there is nothing you can do about it.’ And so that’s just what this country is and what this country’s been and probably where this country will stay.”


I’m here for NBA players using their platforms and voices to address these matters because not a single lie was told. We might all live in the same country, but it’s painfully obvious your America differs if you don’t have the complexion for protection.