Editor’s note: This post contains a tweet that some may find offensive.
What in God's name is wrong with Cosmopolitan (besides its horrible sex advice)? I'm not sure why the magazine decided to take a leap into food-listicle land, but it did. And those folks messed with the wrong food.
What has macaroni and cheese ever done to anyone? The mag listed nine problems with it, including things like it gets mushy and is one flavor. Sorry, but I don't know what kind of mac and cheese the writer was eating. And neither did some people on Twitter:
To counter Cosmo's nine problems, here are nine reasons you need to celebrate mac and cheese:
1. If your mac and cheese tastes like one flavor, you're doing it wrong. There are about a billion different types of cheese in the world; USE THEM ALL.
2. It's delicious.
3. It's f—cking delicious.
4. It's amazing.
5. It's made from pieces of heaven and unicorn dust.
6. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
7. It tastes better a day later.
8. This photo looks as if you could eat the mac and cheese through the screen.
9. Macaroni and cheese is the greatest food ever.
Apparently there are people out there who have never had any macaroni and cheese besides that box stuff. I feel sorry for their taste buds. And yes, eat it sparingly, because all that butter and cheese will clog your arteries. And if you're lactose-intolerant, there are pills for that.