Correction: Bree Newsome Actually Just Did The Blackest Thing I've Ever Seen

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Yesterday, I wrote that a Black president singing "Amazing Grace" at a Black church on national TV was the Blackest thing that has ever happened. I said it passed peak Blackness and entered gravitational time dilation Blackness. Dark matter, event horizon Blackness. Undiscovered dimension Blackness, redefining our understanding of how Black Blackness could be.

And then I woke up this morning. And read about Bree Newsome.

A woman identified as Bree Newsome was arrested Saturday after climbing the flagpole at the South Carolina Statehouse in Columbia, S.C., about 6:30 a.m. and removing the Confederate flag, Rashad Robinson, executive director of, said in a statement.

And maybe I spoke too soon. 
