Congressional Hopeful Calls Melania Trump a 'Hoebag,' Claims She Works By the Hour

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Congressional candidate Mark Roberts is hot water after an offensive tweet in which he shamed sex workers and claimed that the first lady—she of the esteemed and highly forgotten, stupidly named Michelle Obama ripoff campaign “Be Best”—a “hoebag.”

According to Oregon Live, Roberts, an Oregon 2nd District hopeful running as an Independent, was in a Twitter spat with conservative Charlie Kirk when Roberts claimed that Melania Trump is a “hoebag” among other things. Kirk noted, unsubstantiated I might add, that first lady Trump has fewer staffers than former first lady Michelle Obama.

Somehow, for some reason, Roberts thought a fine rebuttal would be: “Did you know the First Lady works by the hour? #thinkdirty #hoebag,” Roberts wrote.


After Twitter users tried to explain to Roberts that his tweet was offensive, what did the Oregon Independent do? He doubled-down, sending another tweet stating: “You start whipping out $100’s and see how #classy she gets #makeitrain!”

(Insert face palm emoji.)

Turns out that Roberts is nothing more than a Twitter troll who writes all kinds of inappropriate tweets on a public forum. For starters, he’s called Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris “hot.” He’s hit on NutriSystem spokeswoman Marie Osmond, and then there was this tweet, which is actually kind of funny:

Roberts doesn’t have an original recipe KFC bucket’s chance in the White House of winning this November, but I guess he figured he’d fail spectacularly.