Condi's Comeback? Rice Rumored to Be Launching Consulting Firm

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After the tumult of the Bush years, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley may be taking their professional expertise into the private sector. From TPM Media:

In September, the RiceHadley Group LLC was registered as a business in California, under a San Francisco address. According to a source, the venture is to be a "strategic consulting" firm, headed by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, and will be launched imminently.

Neither Rice nor Hadley responded to TPMmuckraker's requests for comment.


Rice and Hadley worked closely together during President Bush's first term, when Hadley served as Rice's deputy, while Rice was National Security Advisor.

Hadley is currently a senior advisor at the United States Institute for Peace.

Real question, no sarcasm: Would you take consulting advice from RiceHadley LLC?