Comedy Group Spoofs 'Real Housewives' With Civil Rights Icons

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The all-black female comedy ensemble Elite Delta Force 3 recently released a comedy sketch on YouTube called "The Real Housewives of Civil Rights." The bit presents wives of civil rights leaders, including Coretta Scott King, Betty Shabazz and Winnie Mandela, as cast members on a Bravo-esque reality show. Marilyn Monroe is a curious addition to the group, but we think she might represent the Kim Zolciak of the bunch.

It's hard not to laugh out loud at this production: When it's time to leave at a "ladies only" luncheon organized by Winnie Mandela, Rosa Parks refuses to get up. Shabazz admonishes Parks, "You don't always have to refuse to give up your seat all the time." The Elite Delta Force 3 should be celebrated for their hilarious critique of the Real Houswives franchise, but in all seriousness, where's Angela Davis in this skit?

In other news: Seen and Heard at Fashion Week: Valentine's Day Edition.