Katt Williams is in the hotseat, again. Or should I say another Black man has a mug shot posted across the nation and all the trolls and race-haters are kicking back and grinning. It's reported (I repeat "reported") that Katt broke into someone's Atlanta home with a crowbar and took $3555 worth of jewelry and collectible coins. A crowbar, Katt? Come on. Really? I certainly don't want this to be true: I'm having a hard enough time convincing white folks I can sustain an intelligent thought for more than three seconds. I don't need some comedian throwing salt on my hustle with some crazy about crowbars and collectible coins.
See, this is why I have always had a lukewarm appreciation for Katt's humor. I've never been into the "pimp" style he rocks. One, the perm isn't always on point. If you're going to look like a pimp the perm has to be on point. I also can do without the relentless use of the "n-word". Will someone tell this man that it's okay to ocassionaly use real conjuctions and adjectives and not worry about being white-washed?
However, I have to shoot Katt a little love since he hails from my neck of the woods: Ohio's southwest corner, i.e. the greater Cincinnati-Dayton-Springfield area. Katt also bookends his standup with some of that "I'm a thinker and I believe there should be equality and decency throughout humanity, but I can't say that straight-out because I might be considered a punk" type of wisdom. And I like that. It's moving. No, really. It is. Maybe what Dave Chappelle said on the Actors Studio was true. Black entertainers are running through the streets and losing their minds because the stress of Hollywood is too much. I'll have to think about that one. In the meantime, Free Katt Williams.
Keith Josef Adkins is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter and social commentator.