Over the weekend, comedian and Killing It star Craig Robinson was forced to cancel a set at The Comedy Zone comedy club in Charlotte, N.C., due to an active shooter incident.
According to People, Robinson and other attendees were evacuated from the venue on Saturday night after an unidentified gunman showed his weapon inside the establishment and opened fire. Luckily, neither guests nor Robinson were injured and the suspected perp was taken into custody shortly after.
In the aftermath, Robinson posted a video to Instagram, telling fans and followers what had transpired and shared that he was waiting at a nearby Big Time Rush concert. He later posted an official statement to Instagram thanking the comedy club and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department for their “swift action.”
“Thank you to the Comedy Zone security and staff for getting us to safety quickly,” he began. “Thank you everyone for your outpouring of support and well wishes. Thank you CMPD for swift action in apprehending the shooter. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. Thanks be to God no one was hurt. Please be safe everyone.”
A rep for the Comedy Zone also issued a statement saying: “In lieu of the events last night we would like to thank all the amazing people that work day in and day out to make the Comedy Zone what it is. They immediately jumped into action and got everyone safely out of the building. We would also like to thank the CMPD for their swift response and peaceful resolution to the situation.”
They also noted that the venue would also be issuing refunds to attendees for both Friday and Saturday night’s shows.