A Charleston, W.Va., columnist has lost his job after referring to Michael Brown as an animal.
According to Mediaite, Don Surber, a 30-year veteran of the Charleston Daily Mail, took to his personal blog to say this:
This summer I had an epiphany as I watched packs of racists riot in Ferguson, Missouri, in support of a gigantic thug who was higher than a kite when he attacked Ferguson Police Department Officer Darren Wilson, who unfortunately had to put this animal down.
It gets worse. When he was taken to task, Surber wrote a sarcastic apology in response to his critics:
UPDATE: I made a factual error. Michael Brown was not an animal but a man. Big. Brutal. High. His death was a justifiable homicide and not a putting down.
The editors of the Charleston Daily Mail fired Surber after they were informed of his comments.
“It’s his own blog, but still, he’s known as a Daily Mail editorial columnist and many readers seemed to perceive the views stated to reflect on the Daily Mail’s editorial policy,” said Editor Brad McElhinny.
Read more at Mediaite.