On Thursday, the 2025 Oscar nominations were released and veteran actor Colman Domingo found himself among the few who will now be going for the coveted gold come March 2. But that’s not the only thing Domingo has to celebrate.
Thanks to his Best Actor nomination for his role in the critically acclaimed film “Sing Sing,” Domingo made history as the first actor to get nominated back-to-back in the same category since Denzel Washington. In 2024, Domingo was also nominated in the Best Actor category for his role in the popular Netflix biopic, “Rustin.” As far as Washington is concerned, he was nominated for Best Actor for his roles in “Fences” and “Roman J. Israrel, Esq.” in 2017 and 2018, respectively.
Having reached this feat, it made us want to take a look at some of Domingo’s best roles throughout his career as we wait with baited breath to see if he’ll take home the win some weeks from now. If he doesn’t he just might have a “three-peat” if he gets nominated in the next awards season cycle yet again when the highly-anticipated Michael Jackson biopic comes out on Oct. 3.
But until then, let’s get into Domingo’s goodness by the box office and critical acclaim.