Colin Powell Urges Republicans to Support Immigration

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On Meet the Press, former Secretary of State Colin Powell urged the Republican Party to support immigration. He stated that illegal immigrants do "essential work," which he knows firsthand because of the work that immigrants perform on his house. Ouch. Powell, a moderate Republican, also says that illegal immigrants are "what's keeping this country's lifeblood moving forward." Powell, the son of Jamaican immigrants, believes that a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants is the best option because they perform "essential work." That work is much more than working on people's houses, but we get the point. He also stated that the attack on President Obama's religion and citizenship is the work of fringe Republicans who have taken the low road. We know why Gen. Powell did not pursue the presidency. He's a straight, no chaser kind of guy, and as he found out as secretary of state, that doesn't jibe too well with politics.

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